Newcomers to Bethany may notice that we are led by a group, not an individual. We believe that each person who is a follower of Jesus is gifted by God to serve Him and others. In keeping with this, we have a group of men called “elders” who take the responsibility for the spiritual well-being of the church. They work closely with the deacons, a group of men and women who support the elders in their ministry. Presently, Bethany has 5 elders and 4 deacons. These two groups help organize the preaching at the Sunday morning service, provide pastoral care, oversee ministries in the church and devote themselves to the spiritual health and well-being of each person that worships at Bethany.
Because we believe that many individuals in a congregation are gifted to preach and teach, the responsibility of preaching on Sunday morning falls to many different men. There is a Ministry Committee made up of men and women from Bethany who plan the preaching for the year and organize speakers. Most speakers attend Bethany regularly whereas others come from other churches. Our preaching ministry is usually organized into series. This means that we will have sermons over several weeks on a specific theme.
Another distinctive feature of Bethany is that we have a communion service every Sunday morning. This differs from other evangelical churches that would have a similar service once a month. We call this the “Breaking of Bread” service. Those who have never attended this kind of service find it unique. We do not follow an order of service. Men in the congregation prayerfully prepare for the service and come ready to share a reflection from the Bible, ask the congregation to sing a hymn or lead in prayer. The service culminates in taking the bread and the wine, distributed by men and women of the congregation. The focus of the service is remembering that Jesus Christ died for us so that we can be forgiven and be welcomed into friendship with God. This provides us with an abundant and adventurous life that will last for eternity and equips us to make a difference in the world around us.
Bethany’s members come from a variety of countries including Ecuador, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Barbados, the Philippines, the United States and others. We welcome people from any national or ethnic heritage.
Like many evangelical churches, we like to sing contemporary songs, accompanied by a worship team with the lyrics shown on an overhead screen. We also love to sing old hymns that have encouraged men and women of faith for many generations. It is one of our priorities to maintain this balance in order to foster an atmosphere of worship for a variety of musical styles and preferences.
Community Schools: Various individuals from Bethany spend time each week making a difference in the surrounding neighbourhood. Members of Bethany have been recognized by the Hamilton Wentworth Disctrict School Board for their contribution to the community.
Tribe (Junior Youth Group) and BLS (Senior Youth Group) provide excitement for young people in grades 6 to 8 (Tribe) and 9 to 12 (BLS). Wild games, teaching about Jesus, small group discussion and snacks contribute to making these fun and meaningful experiences for about 75 young people each week.